Mickey Seamus Moran

Thursday, November 02, 2006

4 Weeks to Go and Counting...

Chris and I have decided to set up this site in order for friends and family to find out what's going on the last few weeks before Mickey arrives, and to keep you updated on our son once he is here!

It's amazing to think that in only four weeks, Chris and I will be parents and we will have our precious baby boy! God has been so good to us to bless us with Mickey Seamus. Chris and I both have grown so much through pre-pregnancy and pregnancy (no jokes about belly size). We have become closer to each other and to God and look forward to all that will come with the baby.

It's hard not to become anxious...I am so excited to see Mickey that it's making it harder to wait! It's also hard with the new found aches and pains that come the final month. But, I trust it will all be worth it when the doctor holds up that precious new life for his daddy and mommy to see.

I had a doctor's appointment Tuesday which went very well. The doctor says I am 1 cm already which is good! I am hoping that will only increase before I go into labor so that maybe it won't take as long! The baby's head is down too which is a great thing! We don't have to worry about him being breeched!

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers...we will be keeping you updated!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great idea to make a page for Mickey! I will look forward to checking it regularly for updates. Please let me know how I can help you, Amy, in these last few weeks (I guess I should have some idea...).

Mickey, your aunts and uncles are so excited to meet you! We will welcome you with open and eager arms! Cally says to enjoy your last few weeks of solitude because once you come out, there will be lots of people cooing at you, kissing on you, squeezing you a little too tightly and NEVER leaving you alone (I know!!!). But it's great to be loved!

We're counting...

Love, Grandma Amy....I still need a name...something without the word "GRANDMOTHER"!!

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Dear Mickey,

As I am awaiting your arrival, I am filled with the wonderful anticipation of gazing upon your beautiful face. (Already I am endeared to your sweet image on the 4D pictures!) I imagine your parents radiant with love as they first behold their precious son and I am overflowing with gratitude to the Lord for His immeasurable goodness to us. I pray that the joy you bring your mom and dad will only be exceeded by the Lord’s pleasure in you.

I can hardly contain myself thinking about holding you in my arms; my baby’s baby! Your Meme and Pepe have so much love waiting to be lavished upon you! You are our Christmas gift this year…a grandchild wrapped in hugs and kisses !!

We love you!


5:19 AM  

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