Mickey Seamus Moran

Sunday, June 03, 2007

I can't believe that my baby is only two days away from being six months old! How is this fair?? It really sneaks up on you. I'm loving everyday with him though, so I shouldn't complain. He just gets cuter and more fun.

He's still trying very hard to crawl. He is learning to get up on his knees, but he doesn't do it all the time. He will get up on them and rock a little bit, and then collapse. It's so cute to watch him try to reach for things and try to crawl towards them.

He's been being more vocal lately as well. He's been saying "Ma Ma Ma" a whole lot which I absolutely adore (even if he doesn't know what he's saying yet...he just knows Mommy gives him a lot of attention when he says it). And he does a whole new screeching thing too when he's playing around.

He goes for his six month appointment Thursday, so I will let you know how that goes :)


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