Mickey Seamus Moran

Monday, November 13, 2006

He's Practicing for His Big Day!

Well, Mickey has definately been practicing for his delivery...I have been having pretty constant contractions (not too constant in intensity though). I had contractions every 2o minutes and then every 10 minutes for several hours on Friday night. They've been like that the past few nights, actually, so I am still hoping that I'll be more dialated when I go to the doctor's on Wednesday morning.

I had Jamie feel where the baby was on Saturday and she said that his head is still down (as it should stay until delivery now) and that it does seem like I've dropped a bit. According to her, his head feels like it's right above my pelvis too which is an indicator of dropping and a good sign. I'm really relieved to hear that because it means he should be fine for a natural birth and God willing, no c-section!

I'm a little anxious about not knowing when he's going to come...I mean, they tell you the due date, but really he could possibly come anytime and not know what day or what time is a little nerve wracking. Just keep praying that God gives me peace and contentment until the day arrives, and that all goes smoothly with delivery. I really want Jamie to be my nurse so you can pray for that too :)


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