Mickey Seamus Moran

Monday, April 16, 2007

Easter Sunday

Yeah! My cousin took a picture of us with Mickey's Easter outfit...

More Photos

Eating his cereal

What a messy face!

Mommy still give him his bottle...although he thinks he can do it himself...

Solid Foods

Mickey has been doing great with his solid foods! He's already had carrots and sweet potatoes and is currently eating squash...tomorrow is his last day on that and then he'll be having green beans...he seems to like all of them so far too. He makes quite a mess though...especially with the cereal...

He's been doing much better with his reflux lately too. I think it's from the solid foods and being upright more of the time. Anyways, it's nice to not have him spitting up all of the time!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Sunday Pics

I had a much cuter Easter outfit on him for church, but he didn't get to stay in too long...he doesn't keep clothes clean...

In Aunt Cally's excersaucer

He loves to stand so this is Mommy's favorite thing for him

What a big boy!

Grandpa Grit, Grandma Lo, Uncle Drew, and Uncle Roan Visit

These are older...they were taken when Mickey's grandparents from CT came down for the week to visit with us...of course he got even more spoiled :)

Old Photos

These are old pictures, but I thought you might enjoy them...I finally got them off of Chris's camera so they are new to me too!

Mickey in his bear outfit the one day we had snow here...

Look at those gorgeous baby-doll eyes...I know he's a boy, but they're still gorgeous!

"Who, me?"

Mickey's first big-boy bath in his tub

I know he'll hate me for these when he's older...but how cute!!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Poor Mickey

Poor little Mickey has a cold...he's been sneezing and coughing a lot...he actually had a doctor's appointment today for his four month check up so that was good to have the doctor look at him. He had to still get his shots though so that makes him even more sleepy today. He was very brave again though and he only cried for a minute or two. I know tomorrow will be a little worse, but Chris will be home for Good Friday so that will be helpful.

He now weighs 15 lbs, 3.5 oz! He was 24 in long too. His percentiles were 60% for weight and height and 80% for head circumference...he does have a large noggin...the doctor said he looks very good and is doing everything they would hope for at this age.

He's going to start solid foods too!! Where does the time go...he has to have cereal twice a day for a week or so and then we'll start with a veggie for a couple of days and make the rounds through the wonderful world of vegetables! Big, big boy...

We brought him to the park on Saturday for the first time and he was fascinated with the ducks! The ducks let you get pretty close to them so Chris brought him over and he just stared and stared at them...it was so cute!