Mickey Seamus Moran

Monday, June 30, 2008

18 Month Doctor's Appointment

Mickey had his 18 month doctor's appointment today (even though he is about to be 19 months on Saturday) and they said everything looks great! He's in the 25% for weight and height and in the 97% for head! All those brains the boy has...haha! He measured 31.5 inches long/tall and was 25.5 pounds. The doctor said he looks great health and development wise.

Mickey's entered a bit of a shy faze lately. He's fine with people he knows and women (what a ladies man) but he has been super shy when men he doesn't know that well try to talk to him. At the doctor's office today he went and sat behind the garbage can where the doctor couldn't see him until I went over and held him! He's really too cute...

He's also learned to say "all done" or something that sounds like it... it's kind of like "aww duh" but he says it when he's done eating so we know it's what he means. He still says "ball" and "juice" too. He's also learned to make a low growling sound when you ask him what the monster says (I got him an elmo and a cookie monster stuffed toy and he associates them with monsters... he even tries to growl the word 'cookie' for cookie monster).

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Mickey's Double Date

My friend Ashley and I went out this week and Mickey joined us. He liked having two women pay lots of attention to him AND have one of his favorite food (pizza and breadsticks from Olive Garden).
Mickey is a ham...as soon as I pulled out the camera he started giving big smiles. You can tell he never has his picture taken!

Mickey loves kisses

What a little goofball!!