Mickey Seamus Moran

Friday, December 14, 2007

Birthday Party Pictures

Mickey snuggles with his Meme before the guests arrive for his Birthday Party!

Mommy and Mickey blow out the birthday candles on his cake

Frosting covered face...

Mickey was very excited to be eating more birthday cake

He's a very aggressive eater...making sure it's good and dead...

He was very intrigued by the bubbles he got from his Uncle Michael, Aunt Ember, and cousin Jubilee

He also got a Spongebob bat and ball along with some other great presents from his friends and family...

Monday, December 10, 2007

Mickey's Birthday Party

Mickey had a great birthday party! He had a good time playing with his friends and eating cake (which he got all over his face...we have pictures that i will add later). He also got some fun toys which he is loving. It's so crazy to think he's one now...

The other news is he is walking!! He took his first few steps two days before his birthday and now he can basically walk across the room. He's still wobbly and falls sometimes, but he gets very proud of himself and his accomplishments (mommy and daddy are proud of him too).

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Happy Birthday, Mickey Seamus!

It's official! Mickey Seamus Cooligan Moran is now one year old!! Chris and I both can't believe it. This year has flown by so fast. The little man celebrated the day by playing with his new toys that he got from Grampa Grit, GLo, Uncle Drew, and Uncle Roan (which he loves by the ways, thanks!!) and spending time with his mommy and daddy. Chris came home early from work so that made Mickey happy.

For dinner he had his favorite food, pizza (he had his other favorite food, french fries, with his lunch) and Mommy made him a baseball cake. With some help, he opened his birthday present from Mommy and Daddy, a baby t-ball game. So, overall he had a very good birthday and is looking forward to his birthday party this Saturday :)

I'll put pictures up once I get them...