Mickey Seamus Moran

Sunday, December 03, 2006

At Least it's Getting Closer...

We're still hanging in there! Chris and I didn't go to church today just in case, but nothing happened. It was nice to get some rest though. It's very uncomfortable to sit in those chairs for an hour when you're nine months pregnant! It will be very nice to be thin again (and able to see my feet, and actually have ankles..)!!

Chris is going with me to the doctor's office tomorrow which will be nice. They should be planning an induction for me to happen in the next couple of days. It will be nice to have an end in sight and actually know when we should be having Mickey. Just pray that everything goes well tomorrow and that they are able to plan the induction and that it wouldn't be too far away. Pray for me to continue to trust God and His timing. I know this will all be worth it and I can't wait to hold my baby boy!

I will keep you updated on what the doctor says and when I should be getting induced (if I don't go into labor before then). And, we will let you know once I go into labor and when the baby comes. If anyone wants to visit us in the hospital, we can try and schedule it if you call us once he's born. We probably aren't going to be passing the baby around at church (sorry, I am a paranoid soon-to-be-mother) but we would like close friends and family to be able to get a chance to see him and hold him.

Thanks for your prayers!!


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