Mickey Seamus Moran

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

He's On the Move!

Mickey rolled over yesterday morning!! He usually wakes up around 4am and 6am just wanting his pacey (he goes right back to sleep) so I went in at 4am and gave it to him. When I went back in at 6am, he was on his back! Little rascal! He's been trying to do it again, but his arm keeps getting in the way so he can't (it makes him mad too). It's so cute watching him try.

Mickey had a lot of fun with Grandpa Grit and G-Lo and his uncles last week. We stayed pretty busy. We brought Mickey to his first museum (the Museum of Life and Science in Durham). It was pretty cool and I am sure he'll like it much more when he's older. They had bears, wolves, lemurs, and butterflies! We got him a stuffed wolf to celebrate his first trip...

This week Mickey is enjoying time with his great aunt Cathy (my dad's sister) and his grand-memere (my dad's mom)! He's a busy boy, you know...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Cutie Pie!

On Uncle David's Lap

Too Pitiful!

Big Smooch from Mommy

Mickey has a cousin!

Well, Mickey now has his first cousin! My brother and sister-in-law welcomed their first baby, a girl, into the world yesterday! Jubilee Ann was born Feb 16, 2007...7 lbs 15 oz! She's absolutely beautiful! She looks so much like her mommy already...she shares her mom's (and aunt's) brown curls! Mickey still gets to be Meme and Pepe's favorite grandson...Jubilee is now the favorite granddaughter! I am loving being the aunt to a little girl too! Now I can buy the girly pink stuff for her. I don't think Mickey would want it :) Mickey looks so big now compared to his cousin.

I realized I hadn't updated you on Mickey's sleeping in awhile. He's been doing terrific! He usually has his last bottle around 6:30 or 7pm and then goes to sleep an hour and a half after that. He then sleeps (in his crib) until 7am!! No more midnight feedings!! Chris and I are loving that...It's been nice to get some sleep and I am very proud of Mickey. He's been taking much better naps now too in his crib. My big boy!!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Doctor Appointment

Mickey had his big two month doctor's appointment yesterday! He weighed 12 lbs 4 oz and was 23 1/2 inches long! The doctor says that he looks great! He was in the 65% for weight, 75% for height, and 85% for head circumference! I guess he has a large head...lol...

He got four shots yesterday too...my poor baby! He did really well though! I was proud...he screamed as the nurse was giving him the shots, but as soon as they were done, he stopped! I gave him lots of hugs and kisses, my brave boy. He didn't act much different the rest of the day either. He slept and ate normally and was only a little cranky once and awhile. He feels slightly feverish today, but not bad at all!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Naughty Mickey

Sorry about the mix up, but Mickey's appointment is actually tomorrow. I thought it was today but when I called to check what time, they said it's tomorrow. So, I will update you tomorrow on how his appointment and shots go!

Well, we are learning that although small and adorable, our little Mickey Seamus has quite a temper! He gets very angry when we take away his bottle to burp him! It's so obvious to us that he needs to burp, yet he wants to keep eating so he screams, arches his back, and kicks! It's so amazing to me that even though he's a baby (and what some might consider innocent) he still has just as much sin in his heart as a grown man! God's really shown me that it's so much like how I respond to Him sometimes when things don't go my way. No, I don't kick and scream physically, but in my heart I am still fighting Him when I want something and am not getting it. God knows what I need and what's best for me, and I need to trust Him!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

New Pictures!

Mickey in his new bouncy seat from Grandma! (I guess he likes it!)

He's a deep thinker :) Much like his mommy...

What a face!! His Meme took this picture while we were away overnight

The Morans!

Mickey's First Night Away

Mickey spent his first night away from home last night! I surprised Chris and got a hotel room so we could sleep and just enjoy time away so Mickey stayed with his Meme and Pepe (my parents) overnight! Chris and I really missed him, but it was nice to have time alone. His Meme says he did really well although I am sure he missed his mommy a whole lot!

He's getting WAY to big! He'll be two months Monday, but I am already having to start putting him in 3-6mo clothes! I don't think that's very fair to me. He's also moved up in his diaper size.

He's very active! I think he will definately be an athlete...he's holding his head up very well and he loves when I hold him and let him stand on his legs a little bit...He loves to bounce! The other day I was holding him on the floor and letting him stand, and he put one foot in front of the other and walked four steps with me holding on to his waist!!! I REALLY don't think that's fair for my baby to do to me...

Doctor's Appointments

Sorry that I haven't written for awhile! I thought I would update you on the past week though. I brought Mickey to the doctor's last Friday and got some Zantac for his reflux which seems to be helping! They weighed him and he was 12 lb .08 oz I believe...Tuesday he went to WakeMed to get the birthmark on his back looked at and it all came back perfectly normal!! I wasn't too concerned about it but it's nice to know. The doctor said he just has a low spine. It's not too low, but it's one the low side.

He goes to the doctor Monday for his 2 month checkup and has to get some shots!! My mom is going to come with me so I don't pass out watching them stick my poor baby...